PyBaMM Community

Contact PyBaMM#

There are a few ways to get in touch, whether it is through reporting bugs, requesting features, asking for help, or just saying hello!

Bug reports and feature requests#

To submit bug reports or feature requests, please go to our GitHub issue tracker. We will always appreciate these contributions and feedback!

Technical questions#

To get support with technical questions, please use our Discourse group. When opening a post, check first if your question has been asked and answered before. It will be much easier for other members of our community to help you if you can provide details about the operating system and PyBaMM version you are using, and include a minimal working example. That is a short snippet of code, as simple as possible, that demonstrates the issue you are facing. Please do not contact individual maintainers directly for support.


For development discussions and to get help using PyBaMM, head over to our Slack workspace. If the link doesn’t work, you can email us at for an invitation.

General inquiries#

For general inquiries, other than topics listed above, you can contact us by emailing

Get help#

Ionworks is a company founded by members of the PyBaMM core development team to ensure PyBaMM’s long-term success. Ionworks provides support and custom feature development for PyBaMM, as well as software to make modeling easier and faster. For companies who want to leverage the power, flexibility, and openness of the Python ecosystem for their battery simulation needs, Ionworks is the go-to partner. Contact Ionworks to find out more.


You may view the PyBaMM governance document on the Governance page.


You may view the PyBaMM roadmap on the Roadmap page.

On this page
Contact PyBaMM#